DISTRICT PROVIDES UPDATE ON PROPOSED CAPITAL PROJECT Administration and Crimson Renaissance Facilities Planning Study Team Tour Grounds to Review Potential Projects Study Team on Track to Present Project Recommendations for Board Approval by October 24 Proposed Capital Project Would Come with No Additional Tax Impact to School Community October 1, 2024 – The District today announced an update on the strategic planning discussions related to a proposed capital project, which would come with no additional tax impact to the Afton school community. The proposed capital project will consider infrastructure, safety, and functionality improvements, upgraded school facilities for optimized learning experiences, and facility enhancements to support co-curricular activities. The Crimson Renaissance Facilities Planning Study Team, which was created to prioritize projects and make recommendations to the Board of Education, held its kickoff meeting on September 27. Prior to the meeting, members of the study team and administration walked the school grounds and observed, firsthand, the following: • Potential locations for standpipes for fire department hook-ups. • Crawl spaces and current conditions. • Athletic fields to assess ADA compliance. • Review of locker rooms and pool areas. The study team and administration also discussed window replacements throughout the grounds tour and determined replacement would require further review and prioritization based on current conditions. When the meeting convened, the project manager discussed a preliminary cost estimate considering all the projects outlined in the 2020 Building Conditions Survey. The estimated range of pursuing top priority initiatives is anticipated to be between $10 - $12 million. “Our grounds tour and study group meeting underscore the importance of these initiatives to enhance both our learning environment and the overall campus experience,” said Afton Central School District Interim Superintendent Dr. Terrance Dougherty. “Each opportunity under consideration could play a critical role in supporting student and faculty success.” The study team is scheduled to meet again October 4, when they will review program information from department leads in the Agriculture, Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts, Mathematics (STEAM), and library programs. They also will discuss existing equipment inventory in the STEAM program. The Crimson Renaissance Facilities Planning Study Team is tasked with advancing recommendations, project estimates and a timeline for Board approval by October 24. If approved by the Board, this project will be subject to public vote December 10. If approved by voters, the project will be completed in phases to prioritize key initiatives and to minimize interruptions to the learning environment.
Madalyn Moody with Steer
FFA Booth
Students working on garden
Students Sifting through Rocks